Don’t think, just speak!
SKOLA Introduces the Callan Method this summer at SKOLA Gloucester Gate for 5-9 year olds.

How to train your baby to be super smart!
Is my child too young to learn English? I ask this question in this article.

Why take students to Camden Market?
It's not just fun but important in developing your child's fluency. Camden Market is a famous place in London. We visit Camden during...

The SKOLA Approach To Teaching
This is the blueprint for the behavioural management approach and teaching at SKOLA. This is the secret to our success.

SKOLA reveals a new mission
SKOLA recently revealed a new mission or 'purpose' of the summer school. Hear Ben, our Director explain the new mission in front of SKOLA...
Vikctor shares his experience of learning English in London with SKOLA
Hi ! My name is Vikctor from Hungary and now I’m going to talk about the time what I spent in Skola.

Read all about it: students learn how to create a newspaper in English
This week our students produced a newspaper in English. Two groups worked hard to produce the two papers below: 'The Daily News' and

Learn the original name for each country, translated into English
Learn the original name for each country, translated into English