Learn about SKOLA's new summer school leadership lessons
Our 13-17-year-olds now have two hours each week of leadership lessons. Our 10-12-year-olds will develop their exploring skills and our...

The Benefits of SKOLA Online Testing for Students: Exploring the How and Why
This article details how we test our students. We test our students in advance of the summer.
Our testing process is based in science.

Trends in Education: Neuroeducation
This is a short overview of neuroedcation. This blog is a part of a series called trends in education.

Teaching at an English language summer school in London? The three challenges and three benefits.
Learn about 3 challenges and three rewards of teaching at a summer school.

How to train your baby to be super smart!
Is my child too young to learn English? I ask this question in this article.

Why take students to Camden Market?
It's not just fun but important in developing your child's fluency. Camden Market is a famous place in London. We visit Camden during...

Our three rules: ready, kind, and safe
Watch this video with your children and learn about our three rules at SKOLA: ready, kind, and safe. These rules cover 99% of all...

Lunar New Year, SKOLA and British English. What's the link?
Soon it will be Lunar New Year. But what is it? Why does it matter to SKOLA and what has British English got to do with all of this?...

The SKOLA Approach To Teaching
This is the blueprint for the behavioural management approach and teaching at SKOLA. This is the secret to our success.

Can Watching T.V. Improve Your English?
The short answer: maybe? A 2010 study suggests successful students listened to English in their free time. The students were from Hong...