Just Dance in our 10 minute breaks between English classes
Our timetable is simple in the academic year (September - May). We have hour long lessons separated by 10 minute breaks. There are three...
Vikctor shares his experience of learning English in London with SKOLA
Hi ! My name is Vikctor from Hungary and now I’m going to talk about the time what I spent in Skola.
Read all about it: students learn how to create a newspaper in English
This week our students produced a newspaper in English. Two groups worked hard to produce the two papers below: 'The Daily News' and
Learn the original name for each country, translated into English
Learn the original name for each country, translated into English
Our students learn English by making volcanoes
This week our students learnt English by making volcanoes. Our teacher Rafina said 'our students love making things as part of their...